Considerations about the design of a sailboat Markku Hentinen Topics: Advanced | Boat / Yacht | Design | Markku Hentinen | Performance Read
Performance aspects at different points of sailing Markku Hentinen Topics: Advanced | Boat / Yacht | Design | Markku Hentinen | Performance | Requirements | Sailing Read
Understanding the boundary layer Pablo Sopelana Topics: Aero - Hydro | Aerodynamics | Hydrodynamics | Pablo Sopelana Read
Bernoulli’s principle Pablo Sopelana Topics: Aero - Hydro | Aerodynamics | Hydrodynamics | Pablo Sopelana Read
Flows in sailing Pablo Sopelana Topics: Aero - Hydro | Aerodynamics | Hydrodynamics | Pablo Sopelana | Pro Read
International Measurement System: Sails Pablo Sopelana Topics: Geometry | IMS | ORC | Pablo Sopelana | Parameters | Rating | Sails Read
Challenges in sailboat design Markku Hentinen Topics: Advanced | Boat / Yacht | Design | Markku Hentinen | Resistance Read
Added resistance in waves: “Pinkster” solver versus “Keuning 2006” comparison Jean-François Masset Topics: Added resistance | Boat / Yacht | Hydrodynamics | Pro | Waves Read
Sea state and wave forecasting Pablo Sopelana Topics: Environment | Ocean | Pablo Sopelana | Pro | Waves | Wind Read
Wind-generated sea waves Pablo Sopelana Topics: Advanced | Environment | Ocean | Pablo Sopelana | Waves | Wind Read
Hull appendages, planforms, and wing sections: what are they? Pablo Sopelana Topics: Appendages | Geometry | Keel | Pablo Sopelana | Rudder Read
What the hydrodynamic resistance is and why it matters Pablo Sopelana Topics: Added resistance | Frictional resistance | Hydrodynamics | Lift-induced drag | Pablo Sopelana | Residuary resistance | Resistance | Wave-making resistance Read
The air-water interface Pablo Sopelana Topics: Environment | Ocean | Pablo Sopelana | Waves | Wind Read
What is the Froude number? Pablo Sopelana Topics: Hull | Hydrodynamics | Pablo Sopelana | Resistance | Wave-making resistance Read
The evolution of hull and keel forms – Part 2 Pablo Sopelana Topics: Appendages | Geometry | History | Hull | Keel | Pablo Sopelana | Pro Read
The evolution of hull and keel forms – Part 1 Pablo Sopelana Topics: Appendages | Geometry | History | Hull | Keel | Pablo Sopelana | Pro Read
The lines drawing: what it is and how to read it Pablo Sopelana Topics: Design | Geometry | Hull | Pablo Sopelana Read