

Yacht Design, Naval Architecture, and Ocean Engineering

Yacht Design, Naval Architecture, and Ocean Engineering

From your device, at your own pace, anytime, everywhere.


Make It Come True

From your device, at your own pace, any time, everywhere.


Naval Architects (MSc and Ph.D.) and Aerospace Engineers with a proven industry, research, and/or university record.


Video-based self-paced on-demand online courses containing videos, quizzes, and downloadable documentation.


Virtual spaces to interact with the instructors and fellow students and participate in class discussions.


Make your knowledge count with the Course Certificates issued upon finishing the lessons, passing the quizzes, and approving the assignments.


Do you have an unrestricted desire to learn, share your knowledge, and constructively support others in their journey? Join the online community.


Courses, articles, calculation templates, software, books, and papers about Yacht Design, Naval Architecture, and Ocean Engineering.

Career Development & Entrepreneurship

Introduce yourself, projects, looking for a job/internship, looking for partners/cofounders, and jobs.

Latest Courses

Yacht Design & Performance

The courses are video-based and on-demand and can be followed at your own pace. They contain videos, quizzes, and downloadable documents and give access to the course’s classroom, a virtual place to interact with the instructors and fellow students. Students completing a course will obtain the Course’s Certificate.

We are with You on your Journey

Yacht Design & Performance


Dreaming of designing Yachts?


Building a boat or planning to start a new one?


Looking to understand how Yachts and Boats work?


Seeking to advance, deepen or pivot your career?


Willing to start on a new path?


Passionate about Yachts and Boats?

What are our Students saying?

Around the world



  • The instructors are well prepared. 97% 97%
  • The courses met my expectations in terms of learning. 92% 92%
  • I am confident in applying what I learned. 96% 96%
  • The courses are helpful in progressing toward my goals. 93% 93%
  • I would recommend the course I have just finished. 95% 95%
  • I want to take more Navalapp courses. 97% 97%

“All was clear. You have explained everything well without skipping anything.”

“I truly enjoyed the course. I am really happy because I learned a lot of stuff. Looking forward to next courses.”

“I’m a professional Yacht Designer and I’m very happy with what I learned.”

“I really appreciate what you guys are doing. Thank you very much.”

“Thank you for the amazing content on here. It is all very useful.”

“Thanks for this product. I don’t see anything else like it.”

“I definitely enjoyed the course! Great fun and value for money.”

“Thank you very much. All expectations have been reached!”

“The information presented in the course is very valuable, and I did not find it with this amount and depth anywhere else.”

“I appreciate the effort and time spent to collect this information because, as I see it, it requires professional experience in the field to collect it.”

What do we do?

On a journey to make Yacht Design accessible