Welcome to this introductory course to Sailing Yacht Design!
We are Pablo Merino and Javier Calderón. We are both Naval Architects, and we are currently teaching several courses related to ship dynamics, stability, fast craft, and sailing yacht design at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
We are very pleased to be your instructors for the course, and we hope you will find it useful and interesting in your journey to becoming a proficient sailing yacht designer.
The course is structured into different modules that will cover the main aspects of the design spiral for such kind of vessel. These include the theoretical fundamentals of sailing, aspects related to yacht modeling, hull and appendage resistance, sail forces calculation, and stability issues. All these subjects will be jointly considered in a section specifically devoted to the velocity prediction programs that are a standard in professional yacht design.
If you are willing to deepen your understanding of sailing yachts, this course is for you. We are looking forward to seeing you aboard!
Pablo and Javier