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Introduction to Offshore Wind

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  1. The Course

    The Course
  2. Meet the Instructor
  3. Why Offshore wind?
    Why Offshore wind: status, opportunities, and challenges
    1 Quiz
  4. Components of an offshore wind farm
    The wind turbine
    1 Quiz
  5. The wind turbine drive train
    1 Quiz
  6. Offshore wind turbines substructures: bottom fixed / floating
    1 Quiz
  7. Electrical infrastructure
    1 Quiz
  8. Fundamental fluid dynamics concepts
    Relevance for offshore wind
    1 Quiz
  9. Key properties of fluids and fluid flows
    1 Quiz
  10. Conservation Laws - Part 1
    1 Quiz
  11. Conservation Laws - Part 2
    1 Quiz
  12. Bernoulli equation
    1 Quiz
  13. Aerodynamics of offshore wind turbines
    Momentum theory - Part 1
    1 Quiz
  14. Momentum theory - Part 2
    1 Quiz
  15. Forces on Blade Elements
    1 Quiz
  16. Blade-Element Momentum Model
    1 Quiz
  17. Rotor design with QBlade
    1 Quiz
  18. BEM limitations
    1 Quiz
  19. Higher-fidelity models
    1 Quiz
  20. Aerodynamics of floating wind turbines
    1 Quiz
  21. Offshore Wind Resource
    Offshore Wind resource (origin of wind, stability, coastal effect)
    1 Quiz
  22. The atmospheric boundary layer
    1 Quiz
  23. Wind Turbulence
    1 Quiz
  24. Long term statistics: Weibull Curve
    1 Quiz
  25. Offshore wind measurements and models
    1 Quiz
  26. Wind turbine control and wind farm yield
    The power curve
    1 Quiz
  27. Wind turbine control
    1 Quiz
  28. Wind farm yield (with practical calculation)
    1 Quiz
  29. Wake effects in offshore wind farms
    1 Quiz
  30. Hydrodynamics of offshore wind turbines
    1 Quiz
  31. Wave theory
    1 Quiz
  32. The offshore environment
    1 Quiz
  33. Hydrodynamic loads on wind turbine foundations
    1 Quiz
  34. Offshore wind turbine design
    Loads on offshore wind turbines
    1 Quiz
  35. Wind turbine dynamics
    1 Quiz
  36. Wind turbines structural analysis
    1 Quiz
  37. Wind turbine and foundation design
    1 Quiz
  38. Design Load Case simulation with QBlade
  39. Final Assignment
    Final Assignment
  40. Course Materials
    Course Materials
  41. Course Survey
    Course Evaluation Survey
    1 Quiz
  42. Summary


Congratulations on completing this course.

Let’s take a moment to recap the journey you’ve just completed.

By now, you are able to confidently name and describe all the key components of an offshore wind farm. You’ve also developed a solid understanding of the most widely used methods for modeling wind turbine aerodynamics: Blade Element Momentum theory (BEM).

While our focus in this course was primarily on BEM theory, we also touched on higher-fidelity methods. If you are particularly interested in aerodynamics, I encourage you to explore the dedicated courses on Aerodynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics available on Navalapp.

Next, we treated the wind resource. You have learned that offshore wind has unique characteristics compared to onshore wind. We explored how to analyze both long-term and short-term wind conditions.

Using long-term wind data, you were introduced to estimating the annual energy production of an offshore wind farm. These wind and energy production analyses are crucial in offshore wind energy, and many professionals specialize in this field to ensure precise and reliable evaluations.

In part 7, we turned to the characteristics of waves and the calculation of wave and current loads on wind turbine foundations, and in the last part of the course, we examined how the loads impact the wind turbine structure, focusing on dynamics and structural mechanics.

In the final lessons, you saw how everything ties together through wind turbine design and load case simulation using the QBlade software. If you found QBlade intriguing, I encourage you to check out OpenFast, an open-source framework for coupled aero-hydro-elastic wind turbine simulations.

And now we have reached the end of this course. I hope you have enjoyed it and see it as the beginning of your journey in offshore wind energy. Remember, this was an introductory course designed to spark your curiosity and provide a foundation for further exploration. As you move forward, I hope you continue to explore the areas of offshore wind that excite you the most.

Thank you for being part of this course, and best of luck for the future.