Hello, everybody!
My name is Jean-Noël Roussier.
I’m an Engineer and a Naval Architect from the French school ENSTA, École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées.
I have worked for several shipyards and for the French notified body ICNN. I’m now self-employed. My goal is to support shipyards in the procedure for the CE certification. And I will be your instructor.
I will discuss Directive 2013/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on Recreational Craft and Personal Watercraft, and repealing Directive 94/25/EC.
Do you feel you are filling out documents without knowing what is expected? Owner manual? Technical files? Written declaration of conformity?
You usually go through several stages. You are skeptical: We have always done it like that. Before, it was simpler. The standard will kill us. Or you dodge: Well, it’s an administrative problem. I’ll put “compliant” everywhere.
It’s ok. No, no, no. There are legal aspects; there are technical aspects.
Let’s be pragmatic. Let’s navigate together.
This course aims to contribute to a better understanding of the EU rule for CE certification.
Sexy, isn’t it?
I will be your Compass. Get on board!